7 Super Simple and Potent Breathing Practices for Health and Mental Balance

Simplicity is Key. Consistent healthy actions compounded over time create exponential gains and growth.

Here are seven super simple yet potent breathing practices to incorporate into your daily routine for enhanced health and mental balance:

  1. Coherence Breath

Achieving heart rate variability (HRV) is a marker of overall health. One effective way to attain physiological balance is through coherence breathing — circular, rhythmic inhales and exhales of equal length through the nose. Set a timer or count to maintain equal durations. To supercharge this practice, infuse it with Metta meditation, wishing yourself and others well-being and happiness.

2) Cyclic Sigh

Restore physiological harmony and cultivate the ability to let go by practicing cyclic sighs. Inhale halfway through the nose, pause, inhale fully, then exhale audibly through the mouth with a sigh. This practice directly trains your capacity to relax.

3) Box Breathing

Regulate your nervous system and release stress symptoms with box breathing. Inhale for a count of four, hold for four, exhale for four, and hold for four again. Gradually increase the duration of each phase if you wish. One breath per minute (15:15:15:15) is a solid benchmark for a pro-yogi!

4) Alternate Nostril Breathing

An ancient practice revered in many traditions, alternate nostril breathing offers profound health benefits. Close the right nostril with your thumb, inhale through the left nostril, pause, then close the left nostril with your ring finger and exhale through the right. Continue alternating nostrils.

5) Intra-Abdominal Pressure (IAP) Breathing in Tabletop

Optimize core stability and address common anatomical issues by practicing IAP breathing. Focus on stabilizing your core with proper alignment and breathing naturally through the nose while feeling the expansion of the rib cage. Explore more details in other blogs and Functional Yoga Online PT videos for a deeper understanding.

6) Crocodile Breathing

Lie face down with your forehead resting on the back of your hands to create core stability. Practice IAP breathing while hugging the front ribs down and maintaining a long spine. This setup optimizes breathing mechanics and fosters relaxation.

7) Three-Part Yogic Breathing

Lie flat on your back with your legs in a comfortable position. Place one hand on your belly, one hand on your rib cage, and focus on feeling the breath move through different parts of your torso. Rest and let the sensations of breathing become a support for your awareness.

Pro Tip 1: Add regulation and unlock your chest/upper torse by palpating or lightly tapping the acupressure point Ren 17, also known as the Sea of Tranquility, at the center of your sternum.

Pro Tip 2: Pick one (or more) to do AM and PM (in the first hour upon waking and last thing at night). Also, take short breaks throughout the day to engage in short micro-breathing practices e.g. when the kettle boils, do some breathwork!

If you commit to these practices, over time, you’ll begin to enhance your health, foster mental balance, and begin to perform at peak levels.

That’s it! To dive deeper, to be guided through sequences, and more practice, join Functional Yoga PT Online.

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