Why and How to Incorporate Breathwork into Your Daily Workout Routine

In a previous post, I discussed the concept of supercharging workouts by integrating micro practices alongside main training sessions to promote holistic health and functionality. Here, I want to shine a spotlight on breath practices and how they can be seamlessly integrated into workouts.

Pro tip: Engage with these micro-practices throughout your busy day, for better self-regulation, less neck, shoulder, and back tension, and enhanced overall performance.

The Importance of Breath:

By practicing breathwork consistently, we can optimize our diaphragmatic function and activate our intrinsic core which, in turn, promotes biomechanical integration. This not only aids in injury rehabilitation and tension release but also contributes to overall physiological balance, reducing the risk of chronic stress-related ailments and inflammation long-term.

Recommendation 1:

Begin Your Workouts with Breath and Core Stability

Start your workouts with a short session focusing on breath and core stability. This can be achieved through various yoga postures to stabilize the core and promote diaphragmatic function. These postures bring the added benefit of relieving tension, particularly in areas prone to chronic tension like the neck and shoulders.

Try These Yoga Postures:

  1. Tabletop Position: Engage in diaphragmatic breathing while in a tabletop position, focusing on expanding the ribs and maintaining core stability.
  2. Crocodile Breathing: Lie on your stomach with your forehead resting on your hands. Inhale deeply, feeling your abdomen press into the ground, then exhale fully, releasing any tension.
  3. Sphinx Pose: Lie on your stomach with your elbows under your shoulders and forearms on the ground. Inhale deeply, expanding the chest and upper back, then exhale fully, relaxing into the pose.
  4. Dolphin Prelude: Begin in a tabletop position, then transition into a dolphin pose by lowering onto your forearms with your elbows under your shoulders. Focus on deep, diaphragmatic breaths to enhance core stability and spinal alignment.

Recommendation 2:

End Your Workouts with Recovery-Boosting Breath Practices

Finish your workouts with a dedicated breathwork practice to kick-start recovery and boost overall resilience. This can include techniques such as; box breathing, cyclic sighing, or coherence breathing to promote physiological balance and relaxation.

Additional Suggestions:

  1. Mindful Awareness of Breathing: Cultivate mindfulness by bringing awareness to your breath post-workout, noticing its rhythm and depth- let your whole body relax, as best you can.
  2. Savasana (Corpse Pose): Lie down in Savasana, and allow your body and mind to completely relax. You can combine various breath practices in this posture or simply let go and surrender to the present moment.

By bookending your sessions with mindful breathing practices you’ll cultivate a sense of balance and vitality that extends far beyond the gym. So, take a deep breath, commit to these practices, and watch as your workouts — and your life — positively transform.

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